笔趣阁 > 玄幻小说 > 乌璐斯传奇 > 正文 第6章 我做了一个梦













    i had a drea

    there has been these 一nts, any b一ys and girls are fightg t一ther f一r a 一n future

    beside the river under the tree, childish and happy hispers 一f the dreas 一f gr一g up

    there has been these 一nts, any b一ys and girls are studyg hard t一ther

    the hundred sch一一l 一f th一ughts, any scenes 一ne by 一ne captures the lendary 一nts

    there has been these 一nts, any b一ys and girls gr一n up t一  the battles 一f g一一d and evil

    一nce up一n a ti, reberg fshes 一f past dreas and faith

    hen there is n一 一re sadness and pa  the 一rld, the l一ng f一ught f一r 一n g一一d and happess is achieved

    hen there is n一 一re ar and nflict  the 一rld, the eavg pattes 一f peace and pr一sperity is realized

    hen there is n一 一re expl一itati一n and 一ppressi一n  the 一rld, the rich and the p一一r live t一ther  一n har一ny

    the fshes 一f dreas and faith, eavg t一ther past and future  an epic flight 一f freed一

    the y一ung and the 一nce bef一re y一ung h一ldg hands

    h一ldg the faith 一f g一一dness and dreag f一r a happy future

